Fisica Sperimentale Ciclo XXVIII

Descrizione generale

The main goal of the 3 years Doctoral Programme is the formation of young researchers in Experimental Physics. The student is expected to acquire a broader cultural background in Physics, to get specific skills in traditional and state-of-the-art experimental techniques, and to develop a critical sense in the analysis of the data and in the interpretation of science results. This is made possible by an active participation of the PhD student in international projects financed by the EU and/or by italian research institutions (INFN, CNR, MIUR, ASI). Specific R&D research projects provide the opportunity to get hands-on experience in the design and implementation of innovative instruments requiring specific know-how in microelectronics, opto-electronics and data acquisition. The physics research groups of the Univ. of Siena are well integrated in large international research collaborations including: High Energy Physics (CDF, CMS, TOTEM) with experiments at particle colliders (CERN, FNAL); Astroparticle Physics (CALET, MAGIC) with experiments in space (on the International Space Station) and ground observatories; Photonics (Quantum Optics) at Legnaro INFN National Laboratory; Complex Systems; Medical Physics. This allows our PhD students to access the experimental facilities provided by leading national and international laboratories, universities and research institutions via research stages abroad. The board of school (21 professors + 6 researchers) includes 5 tenured professors from foreign universities. PhD thesis in co-supervision are regulated by international agreements. Lessons and seminars are in English.


Bando pubblicato in G.U. n. 71 - IV serie speciale concorsi ed esami dell'11/09/2012

Dati aggiornati rispetto a quanto indicato nel bando

Posti 6
Borse di Ateneo 2

Borse finanziate da enti esterni 4
Dettaglio borse finanziate da enti esterni 
n. 1 borsa: Ente finanziatore CNR-Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici-CNR Pisa  - Tema di ricerca  Fisica sperimentale in materia di acustica ambientale

n. 1 borsa: Ente finanziatore INFN

n. 2 borse: Ente finanziatore Regione Toscana - Borse di studio "Pegaso"
Durata del corso 3 anni

Scadenza della domanda 12/10/2012 ore 13.00

Calendario delle Prove

La valutazione della documentazione da parte della commissione avrà luogo il 19 ottobre 2012. In seguito alla valutazione della documentazione richiesta dal bando di concorso i candidati che, a giudizio della commissione, dovranno sostenere la prova scritta e/o il colloquio saranno convocati dalla commissione stessa tramite posta elettronica.