The University of Siena

The University of Siena is one of the oldest universities in Europe, the first document testifying to its existence being dated 26 December 1240. Over the years it has expanded from the original Schoolof Law, Schoolof Grammar and a Schoolof Medicine to comprise 15 Departments at present.

In its long lifetime the University of Siena has created and spread knowledge in many fields of study. Nowadays, its excellent results in Research, Teaching and Services keep strengthening this inheritance of knowledge.

The University of Siena offers First Cycle degree courses (Bachelor’s degrees), Second Cycle degree courses (Master’s degrees), and Single long cycle degree courses (under UE regulations). A large number of Doctoral Programmes and Post-graduate courses are also available, alongside Postgraduate Schools and specific Summer Schools.

Six of the Master’s Degrees are held entirely in English:

  • Finance,
  • Economics (specialization in Economics),
  • Management and Governance (specialization in Accounting and Management),
  • Medical Biotechnologies,
  • Computer and Automation Engineering,
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Double degree agreements have been set up for the Master’s Degrees in Economics held in English.

The University of Siena has expanded the programmes offered in response to the specific needs of the local economic, social and cultural system: it is in close contact with the wider geographical area of Southern Tuscany, and the University branches of Arezzo and Grosseto were established thanks in part to the cooperation offered by local institutions.

Almost all of the University of Siena’s departments are located in the heart of the city, either in prestigious buildings of the historical centre, or in an ever-growing number of modern structures located on the outskirts of the city.