Lingue per la comunicazione interculturale e d’impresa

Double degree programme with Wenzhou University (China)

Information for students enrolled at the University of Siena.


The Department of Filologia e Critica delle Letterature Antiche e Moderne is involved in a cooperation programme with Wenzhou University (China) which allows students in the Bachelor’s Degree programme in Lingue per la comunicazione interculturale e d’impresa to earn a double degree. 


The following degrees will be awarded:

BA in Languages for Intercultural and Business Communication - University of Siena
BA in Chinese language and literature (Business Chinese) – Wenzhou University
University of Siena Academic Coordinator: Prof. Gianluigi Negro 
Wenzhou University Academic Coordinators: Prof. YE Miao and Prof. SONG Zhanmei
Link to Lingue per la comunicazione interculturale e d’impresa (LANGUAGES FOR INTERCULTURAL AND BUSINESS COMMUNICATION):