Double degree programme with the ESTIA School of Engineering - France
Information for students enrolled at the University of Siena.
The Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics is involved in a cooperation programme with the ESTIA School of Engineering (France). This allow students in the Master’s Degree programme in Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering to earn a double degree.
Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded both the Master in Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering of the University of Siena and the Master Big Data and Artificial Intelligence of the ESTIA School of Engineering.
The Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics is involved in a cooperation programme with the ESTIA School of Engineering (France), which allows students of the Master’s Degree programme in Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering to obtain a double degree.
The programme provides 5 available spots. To obtain the double degree students will be required to spend at least one semester of the second year of their Master’s programme at the ESTIA School of Engineering.
The study plan and the Programme Coordinators are available on the course website: